General Terms and Conditions of Ithaca Psychotherapy Practice B.V.

A Practical training place

Ithaca Psychotherapy Practice B.V. is an accredited training practice for psychologists training to become psychotherapists after their university training. In their examinations and treatments, they are supervised by a senior within the practice and by outside supervisors. Not only does our practice thus contribute to the formation of a new generation, it also benefits from the most up-to-date knowledge and methods that these psychotherapists in training bring.

B Professional code of conduct & complaint regulations.

You take note of our professional codes (as established by the LVVP) and of our complaint regulations which can be found through the following link:

C Information to health insurers and DIS

Ithaca is required by law to record some of your personal and treatment information. Some of this information will also appear on the bill for the health insurance company. In the specialized mental health system, so is your diagnosis.

Also, Ithaca has an obligation to provide data (the “minimum dataset”) to the national dbc information system, the DIS. This is information about your diagnosis and treatment, among other things, but without your name and address information (anonymous). Ithaca will not provide data to DIS if you object by signing a privacy statement.

D Transferring change data

Any change in your data relevant to the financial processing of your treatment must be communicated in writing to our secretariat. Via An invoice not received due to your failure to provide your change of address is covered by normal payment terms.

E Financial responsibility

Ithaca is a contract-free practice and charges 100% of the Nza rate. If you do not have a “pure-reimbursement” policy, you will face a co-payment. The co-payment can be up to 45% of the bill.

Billing costs may vary depending on the number of activities and intensity of treatment. Therefore, check with your insurance company exactly what they will reimburse for a non-contracted Psychotherapy practice that charges the NZA/WMG rate. You are responsible for funding your own treatment and/or psychodiagnostic testing.

The deductible is €385 per calendar year.

F Waiting times

Ithaca Psychotherapy Practice B.V.’s waiting times can be found on our website at

They are updated monthly. Between intake and treatment, the waiting time can be up to 12 weeks.


Article 1 Application

These payment terms apply to all treatment agreements between practitioner and patient.

Article 2 No Show regulation

Appointments must be canceled no later than 48 hours before the time of treatment. This can be done by phone: 020-8118870 or by e-mail: In case of non-cancellation and cancellations within 48 hours before the appointment, the practitioner is entitled to charge the client for the reserved time. The cost for this is a maximum of €90.00. In exceptional cases, a reduced fee may be charged For intake appointments, you must cancel by phone at least 48 hours (two business days) prior to the intake appointment at the phone number below. Otherwise we are forced to charge 1 hour (no-show rate á €90,-)

Article 3 Payment term

In order to be able to focus as much as possible on what we do best, which is your treatment within Ithaca, we have outsourced the financial processing of the invoices to the company Infomedics. The payment terms and any collection costs can be found on the invoice you receive from Infomedics.

3.1 If you have any questions regarding invoice payment please contact Infomedics at the designated

phone number: 0900 0885.

3.2 If you have substantive questions about the invoice, please contact the claims department at telephone number 020-8118870 /

Article 4 Suspension of treatment

In case of late payment, the practitioner is entitled – unless the treatment is against it – to suspend further treatment until the client has fulfilled his/her payment obligations.