Intake procedure
Prior to the intake, the intaker will contact you to briefly assess whether we are an appropriate practice for you given your care needs and issues. In this phone interview, which lasts a maximum of 15 minutes, specific, focused questions will be asked, but will not elaborate too much on your issues.
During the intake procedure, it may still be found that Ithaca cannot provide appropriate assistance and possible alternatives will be considered.
Waiting time
Application waiting time: 2 weeks
Treatment waiting time: 8-12 weeks
Intake interviews
If it appears from the telephone screening that Ithaca might be able to provide appropriate care, at least 2 intake interviews will take place face to face. The initial consultation will be with a psychologist or psychotherapist who will go over your symptoms, problems, background, treatment history and request for help with you.
The second interview will take place with the practice manager who will ask follow-up questions to the first interview.
Consultation in the team
Within the team, the information from the intakes is discussed and possible next steps are considered. Here there are 3 options:
1) You enter treatment at Ithaca. In that case, based on the intake, we will discuss which practitioner best suits you, your symptoms and your request for help, and which form of therapy is appropriate to help you as best as possible. Thus, your practitioner is not always the person with whom you had the intake interviews.
2) If Ithaca cannot meet your request for help, for example if we do not have the expertise in house for a particular therapy that you do need, we will indicate this. We will then make a recommendation for a place where we think you can go and get the right help.
3) It may also be decided based on this consultation to conduct additional psychodiagnostic research before we can make a treatment proposal to you. For example, because there is still insufficient information or there are ambiguities.
After you have had the intake interviews and the team has discussed appropriate next steps, you will be invited to a counseling session. This conversation takes place between you and the intaker. In this interview, the results of the intake procedure and any additional examinations will be discussed with you. You will also receive feedback on what we believe to be the most appropriate treatment, and whether Ithaca can offer it to you or whether we still recommend that you contact another, more appropriate practitioner.
If you enter treatment at Ithaca, and you agree to the treatment proposal, your designated practitioner will contact you to schedule an initial introductory meeting and begin the process of creating a treatment plan. In this treatment plan, your symptoms and your request for help are summarized and the treatment you will follow for this and what the main points of attention are. Together with the practitioner, you will decide what the frequency, day and time of therapy will be. Sometimes you can still work with your therapist to set specific goals that you want to achieve with the help of therapy.
Start of treatment
After receiving a referral letter through your primary care physician, you can register with Ithaca by phone, email or through the website. Then the intake procedure begins. This consists of 2 interviews. Depending on your complaint and your request for help, we may ask you for additional examination after this.