Privacy Statement

PRIVACY STATEMENT Ithaca Psychotherapy Practice B.V.

Ithaca Psychotherapy Practice B.V., located in Amstelveen and registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 67572510, attaches importance to the protection of personal data. This privacy statement explains how Ithaca Psychotherapy Practice B.V. handles information about an identified or identifiable natural person, as referred to in the General Data Protection Regulation (Avg).

1. Application
This privacy statement applies to the following categories of natural persons from whom Ithaca Psychotherapy Practice B.V. processes personal data:
a. (potential) patients;
b. visitors to the practice of Ithaca Psychotherapy Practice B.V.;
c. visitors to:
d. participants in meetings of Ithaca Psychotherapy Practice B.V;
e. applicants;
f. all other persons who contact Ithaca Psychotherapy Practice B.V. or whose personal data Ithaca Psychotherapy Practice B.V. processes, other than its employees.

2. Processing of personal data
Ithaca Psychotherapy Practice B.V. processes personal data that:
a. an individual himself in person (during a discussion or meeting), by telephone, or
provided digitally (via e-mail or web forms on the website), such as contact information or other personal data;
b. requested from other caregivers or referrers with the data subject’s consent;
c. have been generated during a visit by a data subject to the website of Ithaca Psychotherapeutiepraktijk B.V., such as the IP address, surfing behavior on the website (such as data on the first visit, previous visit and current visit, the pages viewed and the way through the website is navigated) and on which parts of it the data subject clicks;
d. audio/video recordings with the individual’s consent;

3. Purposes of processing
Ithaca Psychotherapy Practice B.V. processes personal data for the following purposes:
a. Performing a medical treatment agreement and billing for work performed;
b. with providing the diagnosis to the health insurance company and DIS for billing purposes, if not desired a privacy statement can be signed.
c. maintaining contact, confirming the appointment and information requested by a data subject;
d. maintaining user statistics. Website user statistics provide information about the number of visitors, length of visit, which parts of the website are viewed and click behavior. These are generic reports, not traceable to individual visitors;

4. Legal Basis
Ithaca Psychotherapy Practice B.V. processes personal data on one of the following legal bases:
a. consent of the data subject. This consent may be revoked at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent before the revocation;
Ithaca Psychotherapy Practice B.V.
Ithaca Psychotherapy Practice B.V. | Uilenstede 512-H | 1183 DE | Amstelveen|020-8118870 |
practice AGB code: 94056103 | Chamber of Commerce number: 67572510 version 2020
b. execution of -or with a view to- entering into a medical treatment agreement, including billing to third parties, such as the health insurance company and the like;
c. a legal obligation, such as the obligation to keep medical records or register the BSN;
d. a legitimate interest, such as using contact information to confirm the appointment

5. Processors
Ithaca Psychotherapiepraktijk B.V. may engage service providers (processors) to process personal data only as instructed by Ithaca Psychotherapraktijk B.V.. Ithaca Psychotherapy Practice B.V. enters into a processor agreement with processors that meets the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (Avg).

6. Sharing personal data with third parties.
Ithaca Psychotherapiepraktijk B.V. shares personal data with third parties, if this is appropriate in the context of treatment (for example, a referral) or for the fulfillment of a legal obligation. Ithaca Psychotherapy Practice B.V. does not share personal information with third parties for commercial purposes.

7. Transfer outside the EEA.
In principle, Ithaca Psychotherapy Practice B.V. does not transfer personal data to countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA). If this should nevertheless be necessary, Ithaca Psychotherapy Practice B.V. will ensure that the transfer takes place only if the European Commission has indicated that the country in question offers an adequate level of protection or if there are appropriate safeguards within the meaning of the General Regulation
data protection (Avg).

8. Retention of data
Ithaca Psychotherapy Practice B.V. does not retain personal data longer than necessary. In principle, Ithaca Psychotherapy Practice B.V. applies the following retention periods:
a. medical data: at least 20 years after the end of the treatment agreement;
b. (financial) administrative data: 7 years after data capture;
c. data of employees and freelancers, other than (financial) administrative data:
5 years after leaving employment or the end of the assignment contract, respectively;
d. applicant data: 6 months after completion of the application process;
e. website visitors: 5 years after the last visit to the website, unless objected to earlier
is made in which case destruction will be carried out.

9. Changes to privacy statement
Ithaca Psychotherapy Practice B.V. may change this privacy statement at any time. A current version of the privacy statement is posted on Ithaca Psychotherapy Practice B.V.’s website. You should consult this privacy statement periodically so that you are aware of any changes.

10. Rights, questions and complaints
You have the right to request Ithaca Psychotherapy Practice B.V. to view, rectify, delete, transfer, restrict processing and object to processing of personal data. You can contact the secretariat about this by sending an e-mail message to

Also, for questions or complaints about how Ithaca Psychotherapy Practice B.V. processes personal data, please contact the secretariat by sending an e-mail message to We try to resolve a complaint to your satisfaction. If that fails, you can turn to the Personal Data Authority (AP).